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It’s a vibe! (It really is). We here at SUDO try to keep the vibes high. This allows us to create and attract more opportunities in line with our vision and keeps us receptive to the connection between all things. We promote the belief that what you put out is what you get back. No if, ands, or buts about it. It may not be immediate, but in time, things come around. Your vibe is your signature to the universe. This signature not only identifies you but it sets up a template for how you experience the world and how the world experiences you. The importance of maintaining a certain frequency (or level of energy) is the key to unlocking this mystery. A consistent frequency over time will eventually create an identity and this identity is how others know you and how they relate to who you are.

What does your frequency consist of? It is everything that is you. The way you think, the way you speak, the things you do, the way you look, what foods you eat, the emotions you feel, your attitude towards life, and any type of energy other people can perceive. Naturally we are complex beings with a wide range of frequencies to choose from. Depending on what’s happening around us or in us, our frequencies can vary from day to day. Some days are good, some are bad. Relatively overall this is life. But from the moment we were born, we were given the gift of free will (the ability to choose and decide how we want to live this life). It’s up to us to decide. Once we make a decision and continue to consciously maintain that energy, the road ahead will be relative to our destination.

Not only do we emit our own vibrations but we pick up on them too. "Everything in life is vibration," said Einstein. Our surroundings, the music we're listening to, the people we're with, all have an energy about them that we can feel and pick up on. If everything around us is all vibration and the fact we can alter our own vibrations based on how we feel and what we do, then the idea of effecting the world around us through our vibration alone brings up some interesting implications of what is possible. To what extent can someone change their entire reality based on the vibration they are emitting? Is this technique available to us at all times or is it something we must be conscious of and practice consistently? We love these type of questions because not only do they melt our brains (which can be fun), but they spark our imaginations in ways we've never thought of before. Perspective is everything and the layers of truth work differently depending on where you stand. The power of vibrations is very real and can possibly be our window into humanities next quantum leap. The answer to finding out if holding a particular vibration can alter our reality lies in the simple act of doing it.

Focus on what you want, imagine the feeling of being the person you want to be, and move forward from that space as if you were already that person. The last part is the hardest and the most difficult to overcome. How can I "be" if I technically haven't "done" is what goes through most people's minds while trying to implement these principles. We all start somewhere and through trial and error along the way, we gradually get closer to achieving our goal. The phrase "Fake it til you make it", holds some level of truth when applying these techniques. But as we get closer to our goals, we become more confident, more comfortable, and more skillful in becoming who we set out to be. In time, all things come around. It's what we do with the time in between that determines whats coming. Acknowledge your power and exercise it daily. You might be surprised in where you end up.


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