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  • Writer's pictureSUDO


There’s a quote in the movie Vanilla Sky when Tom Cruise’s character says, “The little things. There’s nothing bigger is there?” First of all we love this movie and highly recommend you give it a watch. Not only is it entertaining but it contains some really deep connections about life and how one chooses to live it. When we analyze this quote, the emphasis is placed directly on this idea of giving big importance to little things. In life we are conditioned to some degree to believe that bigger is better. The bigger house, the bigger car, the bigger bank account, and so on and so on. But in our quest to attain and conquer such large endeavors, it is easy to overlook the smaller details that make up such an extraordinary journey.

It’s the little things in life that add up to the overall bigger picture. Just like tiles in a mosaic, the smaller intricate details is what brings the art to life. When one takes an even closer, more investigated look, sometimes it’s the little things that actually mean the most. It’s this emphasis on how we are led to believe that the big things in life matter most while the smaller events and happenings are just insignificant instances along the way. You always hear about how Important the journey is in relation to the destination. The lead up is just as important as the final act. Ask a sexual partner if they enjoy foreplay and maybe next time (if there is one) you might be surprised on where you place your focus.

The subtleties of life are somehow always overlooked and yet they are the things we take for granted once our familiarity of them ceases. While we are busy focusing on our big dreams and imaginings of where we want our lives to go, the ROI’s of our life can be somewhat blurred around the edges and we can easily miss what’s in the peripheral and foreground. Subtleties are where you find the details, and details matter. We always find it interesting how our personal preferences can have a profound influence on the decisions we make. What makes someone favor a particular car with a specific model and year, even though the same manufacturer makes similar versions that are both within the same series and were only a few years difference in production? Why do we prefer one particular version of a song if there are multiple versions or covers of it? Is the black shirt you love really that different from other black shirts available? The smallest details make all the difference and it’s in the details that we find what we love the most.

There is also great power and value in little things. Atoms are the most powerful energy source known to man but are also the smallest particles we physically recognize. They are the prime example of small things having the biggest potential. When something is considered to be limited or rare, we tend to put more emphasis on its value. Less is more, more or less and it’s the subtle nature of things that cause us to hold them in such high regard. If you have ever studied the topic of near death experiences, individuals have claimed that there were moments where they felt as if they were uniting or becoming one with the energy and source behind all things. A single drop of sorts reuniting with the ocean from which it originated. Some have even stated realizing that they were always somehow a part of this vastness and that it was only through living their own lives did they somehow forget. To think that the entirety of ‘ALL THAT IS’, is also within me, within you, and even within the smallest of mustard seeds is a marvelous wonder in itself. Mother Nature has a way of flexing its own richness through the variety and subtle perfection of all of its inhabitants.

There’s an element of intelligence that is embedded in subtlety that eludes the masses and is reserved for those who are seeking. Once you realize how important and precious these small things really are, your new appreciation for them will effect the way you go about your day. Think about what you take for granted and really enjoy and acknowledge it for what it is. It’s the small things in life that eventually make up all the big things. Every time you’ve helped someone, all the times you’ve cared, smiled at strangers and showed love in one form or another. Although these small things seem insignificant, they add up and matter along with countless other actions and thoughts. By exercising this truth we are able to make a difference and recognize the subtle dopeness within us all.


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