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  • Writer's pictureSUDO


Happy New Year to you and yours! We celebrate the simple fact of still being here after what most people would say was the gnarliest year of their lives. A lot has changed for many people. Jobs were lost, loved ones too, and the ever changing landscape of what our world is evolving into keeps many people on alert for what could possibly be coming next. As we’ve stated before, we believe these changes are a natural part of the collective moving forward into a new paradigm. Although lately it seems to be leveling out and creating somewhat of a new norm, bigger and better things are still on the horizon, waiting for us to adapt and integrate them into our social practices. As the world moves forward, so will we. SUDO is only beginning to enter the conversation and our products for this year will speak for themselves. Since our launch in October, we have began to create connections between likeminded individuals and have started spreading our ideas within small pockets and communities. It’s no surprise to us that there are many others out there who share the same passion and energy for creating new ways to enlighten and change the world. The growth you will see over the coming years will be exponential. Our position for our brand is to take our time and to make sure we do things right. We are excited to be moving into a newer space and to see all the effects it has on each and every one of us. Thank you to everyone who has purchased a product from us and contributed to our growth. We appreciate the new followers, the supportive messages, and the genuine love for what we are doing. Keep it fresh, keep it exciting, and keep pushing through your creations. This year is all about embracing new change and you can bet that SUDO will be a part of it.


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