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  • Writer's pictureSUDO


It takes a lot to keep a dream alive. Blood, sweat and tears are only the beginning and thats just bodily fluids. It takes focus, dedication, set backs, failures, rebounds, adaptation, patience and above all time. Just to even scratch the surface. Like any jump shot follow through is key. No matter how many times in skateboarding you fall, you always need to get up and try again. Same rules apply to different arenas of life. If there's one thing thats always true when doing new things its that you will always suck in the beginning until you do it enough to make it look easy. Creating is the fun part. Execution is the work. Not only do you need to put in the necessary work, you also have to balance between the tides of life. One moment you're riding the wave and the next moment you are being carried out to sea. When life’s currents become too much to overcome, all we can do is preserve our energy and go with the flow. Sometimes we over think things, sometimes our funds get low, and sometimes our motivation goes right out the window. Getting stuck can feel like the beginning of the end. Fears start to creep in and doubts begin to wedge themselves further and further between you and your big plans. "If I could only get over this hump, I can use the momentum to get over the next one and be on my way." We must up the energy and get just far enough, only to find out the next hurdle has somehow become a small mountain range. These situations coupled with looming stress, our lack of confidence, self inflicted procrastination, and underlying fears all amount to a seemingly indestructible wall of defeat. It's hard being human with natural tendencies that are meant to keep us safe. Our dreams and ideas take us to new all time levels of awesomeness but its the fright of looking over the edge at those heights that keep us terrified. Perspective is everything and its important to keep in mind that everything that seems too much to handle can be broken down into smaller more manageable parts. We tend to overwhelm ourselves and put too much pressure on every move we make. Eventually the pressure becomes too much and we end up paralyzed from our lack of mobility.

[Deep breath in.....Deep breath out]

Every now and then a reset is necessary. The path we planned out can somehow turn into a traffic jam and a detour is what we need to keep it moving. It may not be the route we wanted, but its the route that gets us to where we want to be that is the most beneficial. No matter how hard or difficult the path we chose, theres always a lesson to be learned and to grow from. These lessons keep us from making the same mistakes and eventually we will move past them. Who cares if you fucked up. Who cares if things didn't work out the way you wanted. In the bigger scheme of things its all part of the game. There are no wrong turns just different ways of getting there. Sometimes things fall apart only to be rebuilt and made better. The earth keeps turning, the suns still burning, and the gears in your grind interlock and keep churning. We are going to keep this shit moving, keep picking ourselves up, and once we accomplish our next immediate goal its on to the next one.


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