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  • Writer's pictureSUDO


SUDO was launched in one of the craziest years of our lives. Australia burned, Kobe died, flying saucers were officially acknowledged, an economic depression, polarized tensions, historical job loss, worldwide protest, all in the middle of a global pandemic. Anyone even thinking of launching a business or new endeavor in the current environment would definitely have their doubts and reservations about moving forward. We are creatures of comfort and we always want to know how good the water feels before jumping in. It’s hard for us to imagine purposefully positioning ourselves against all the natural elements that is 2020 and hoping for the best. Our brand was about to take off with little to no runway and It didn’t look like much was in our favor. But if there’s one thing we’ve learned though our journey, it’s to not put trust in appearances. Although some could easily argue that the world is coming to an end, on the other hand you could say it’s the start of a new beginning. Change is the only constant and with change comes chaos. Even the smallest changes have a slight bit of discomfort when it comes to adjusting. Keep in mind that our discomfort is growth. Much like a seed outgrowing it’s shell we are moving past what we know into a place of experiencing more. More to life, more to love, and more than ever before. SUDO is a part of this transition. We are here for more than just cool clothes. We are here to support and help guide a new world that’s emerging from its former self. Some of us needed a “SUDO” of some kind to identify and find comfort with during these trying times. We promote helping those around us, giving guidance when it’s needed, and radiating the knowledge and love that is provided to all of us from the one universal source. It is our goal to revolutionize fashion in a way that hasn’t been done before. Our purpose is bigger than our brand and no matter what is happening outside of us, it’s what’s happening inside that truly matters. If you have faith, exercise it. If you have intuition, use it. If you have a gut feeling, go with it. Now is the time more than ever to really go all in on your biggest dreams and ideas that excite you. There may be a reason why reoccurring visions keep coming to you and it’s up to you to internalize them and express them the best way you know how. Fear and self doubt will always try to creep in between where you are now and where you want to go. Thats just us dipping our toes into the pool again. Dip as much as you need to. You may never feel 100% ready. But once you can see that it’s possible to doggy paddle and maybe even float, we suggest walking over to the diving board, jumping as high as you can, and making the biggest splash upon entering the pool. Summer 2020 already came and went and who knows how long it could be before the pool officially opens again. Take chances, live with the risk, and enjoy what your doing every step of the way. There are things happening all around you, wonderful things you can’t even imagine. Don’t let your limited view of life get in the way of seeing the panoramic truth of your heart. Now is the time.


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